Generate XML Sitemap Submitting to Google and Bing

XML Sitemap Submitting to Google and Bing
XML sitemap 

Generate  XML Sitemap Submitting to Google and Bing

An XML sitemap is a file that lists all the URLs for a website, helping search engines like Google to crawl and index the site more effectively. It's written in XML format and typically includes information such as the last modified date, change frequency, and priority of each URL. Creating and submitting an XML sitemap to search engines can improve the visibility of a website's pages in search results.

Step 1: Generate XML Sitemap

  1. Access Your Blogger Dashboard: Log in to your Blogger account and navigate to the dashboard of the blog you want to generate the sitemap for.

  2. Go to Settings > Crawlers and Indexing: In the dashboard, click on "Settings" and then select "Crawlers and Indexing".

  3. Enable Custom robots.txt: Scroll down to the "Custom robots.txt" section and make sure it's enabled. If not, click on "Edit" and enable it.

  4. Modify robots.txt: In the text area, enter the following line:

    Sitemap: YourBlogURL/sitemap.xml

    Replace YourBlogURL with your actual blog URL.

  5. Save Changes: Click on "Save changes" to update your robots.txt file.

  6. Generate Sitemap: Go to https://YourBlogURL/sitemap.xml. Replace YourBlogURL with your actual blog URL. This should automatically generate your blog's XML sitemap.

Step 2: Submit Sitemap to Google

  1. Access Google Search Console: Go to and sign in with your Google account.

  2. Add Your Blog Property: Click on "Add property" and enter your blog's URL.

  3. Verify Ownership: Follow the instructions to verify ownership of your blog.

  4. Submit Sitemap: Once verified, go to your property and navigate to the "Sitemaps" section. Enter sitemap.xml in the text field and click on "Submit".

Step 3: Submit Sitemap to Bing

  1. Access Bing Webmaster Tools: Go to and sign in with your Microsoft account.

  2. Add Your Blog: Click on "Add a site" and enter your blog's URL.

  3. Verify Ownership: Follow the instructions to verify ownership of your blog.

  4. Submit Sitemap: Once verified, go to your blog's dashboard and navigate to the "Sitemaps" section. Enter sitemap.xml in the text field and click on "Submit".

Step 4: Monitor Performance

Keep an eye on the Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools for any notifications or errors related to your sitemap. Regularly check these tools for insights into your blog's indexing status and search performance.

That's it! Your Blogger XML sitemap is now submitted to Google and Bing for better search engine visibility.

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